Delivery / shipping Policy ensures the best quality batteries to their customers from exotic brands like AMARON and EXIDE from direct authorized battery manufacturer’s

All the products sold consist of proper warranty and invoice there are no added charges for delivery and installation.

  • The Accepted orders will only be delivered in Mumbai/Thane. Outside orders will be cancelled.
  • One can place order from 7 AM – 9 PM we will try to install the product on the same day ( applies only on car batteries).
  • Order placed before 4 Pm, installation will be done on the same day . whereas , order placed after 5 Pm shall be scheduled to next day.
  • Battery will be delivered within 3hrs after once the order is been placed and payment is made.
  • In case of stock unavailability delivery will be done on next prevailing day.
  • There are no extra charges added for delivery and installation of car batteries.(Radius is 15 kms from delivery point).
  • We try to be on time , but there can be delay due to unusual circumstances like traffic, heavy rainfall , stock unavailability etc .
  • Installation will be free., but in some products/exceptions where additional tools required will be charged extra.
  • Installation of inverter batteries for location above the ground floor up to second floor (without a working lift) will charge extra as labor charges of Rs. 100. A working lift is mandatory for installation locations above second floor.
  • Installation for which will be carried out within 24 hours of delivery or later (as per the availability of the customer) .
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